Welcome to my BLOG

A little about me:

I'm a single mom of two wonderful kids. My daughter is 23 and my son is 21 and I am so thankful to have them in my life.

I worked for over 18 years in the Corporate world as the sole financial provider for my family. I was drowning in debt, and raising two young kids entirely on my own. Life was very tough, and I remember going to the bank machine and most of the time praying it would "spit" me out $20.

I started this Blog hoping I might be able to help anyone feeling even slightly close to anything I've written here. 8 years ago I had a long hard meeting with me myself and I and decided that some lifestyle changes had to be made. I could have a "good" life or a "great" life. The bottom line is that we only have ONE life. I decided I wanted a great one!

The decision to work from home may be a great choice for some people. It certainly was for me. With that being said, it’s important to know what having a home business entails, what kind of business you want to be in, as well as learning how to build it long term. To also understand that is does take "work" and "commitment"

I want to help people know, that they CAN accomplish their goals. I also hope to make you chuckle every now and then, because laughter is, at times, the best medicine.

Never say "I can't" Instead, say "How can I?" Looking forward to adding value to your life.

FREE TRAINING What to look for and what to avoid with any home business

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dog agility training - the weave pole - LOVE IT

I love this video because I'm passionate about dogs. I also love how it applies to anything in life. I've learned over the years that to have success in business, agility is key, and it's a step by step process to achieve your goals. I'd love your comments, and feedback. You can also learn some step by step business rules by subscribing to my FREE TRAINNG.

Enjoy the video and watch this do GO!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Micki, I found your blog because you are like me interested in Cesar Millan and you live, like me, in Ontario. I love how you relate working with animals to life. That's what I do with horses! I'm in King Township, just North of Toronto. I also was a single mom that turned my life around... now living my dream. I love to connect with you! Anna Mae Gold
